Mind Soothe

Mind Soothe

1% of Base Mana40 yd range
Instant5 sec cooldown
Requires Priest
Can be cast in Shadowform

Soothes enemies in the target area, reducing the range at which they will attack you by 10 yards. Only affects Humanoid and Dragonkin targets. Does not cause threat. Lasts 20 sec.


Mind Soothe

Reduced distance at which target will attack.

20 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameMind Soothe
SchoolsShadowDamage TypeMagic
Global Cooldown1.5 secCooldown CategoryGlobal
TargetUnit, Destination locationClassPriest
Skill LinePriest
  • Generates no threat
  • Does not engage target
Effect #1

Mod Aggro Range

Radius: 12 yard(s)

Yards: -10

Effect #2


Radius: 12 yard(s)