Summon Soulkeeper

Summon Soulkeeper

Summons a Soulkeeper that consumes all Tormented Souls you've collected, blasting nearby enemies for [ 5.72% of Spell Power ] Chaos damage per soul consumed over 8 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets and only one Soulkeeper can be active at a time.

You collect Tormented Souls from each target you kill and occasionally escaped souls you previously collected.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameSummon Soulkeeper
SchoolsFire, ShadowLevel0
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
Procs when
  • Player deals auto attack (white) melee damage
  • Player deals special (yellow) melee damage
  • Player deals auto attack (white) ranged damage (with a bow, etc)
  • Player deals special (yellow) ranged damage (with a bow, etc)
  • Player casts a harmful spell
  • Player deals periodic (DoT) damage
  • Passive
Effect #1

Proc Trigger Spell

Spell:  Tormented Soul

Effect #2

Periodically trigger spell (Every 20 sec)

Effect #3

Apply Aura

Effect #4

Unknown Effect #0