Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm

Reduces the Maelstrom cost of Earth Shock and Earthquake by 5.

Reduces the Maelstrom cost of Elemental Blast by 7.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameEye of the Storm
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Passive
Effect #1

Decrease Power Cost

Value: -5

Affected Spells

 Earth Shock Earth Shock Overload
Effect #2

Decrease Power Cost

Value: -5

Affected Spells

 Aftershock Aftershock Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Overload Seismic Thunder
Effect #3

Add Modifier

Value: -7

Affected Spells

 Consumed by Flame Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Overload Elemental Blast: Critical Strike Elemental Blast: Haste Elemental Blast: Mastery
Effect #4

Decrease Effect #3 Value

Value: -5

Effect #5

Decrease Chance of Being Critically Hit

Value: -7%