Chaotic Imprint - Arcane

Chaotic Imprint - Arcane

100 yd range

Throw Glaive now deals damage from a random school of magic, and increases the target's damage taken from the school by 10% for 20 sec.


Chaotic Imprint - Arcane

Your next Throw Glaive increases Arcane damage dealt to the target.

0 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameChaotic Imprint - Arcane
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Buff cannot be canceled
Effect #1

Mod Combat Rating by % of Stat (Ranged Hit - Strength)

Amount: +10%

Affected Spells

 Art of the Glaive Illidari Warglaive Reaver's Glaive Reaver's Mark Throw Glaive Throw Glaive Throw Glaive Throw Glaive Throw Glaive Throw Glaive