Sinfall Gargon

Sinfall Gargon

Account wide
1.5 sec cast

Summons and dismisses this mount.

The gargon are the loyal mounts and companions of the Venthyr and Renathal has found many abandoned at Sinfall, awaiting reawakening and assignment to worthy members of the covenant.

Covenant: Venthyr
Zone: Revendreth


Sinfall Gargon

Increases ground speed by 100%/60%.

0 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameSinfall Gargon
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
MechanicmountedSkill LineMounts
  • Can only be cast outdoors
  • Stops auto attack
  • Can only be cast out of combat
Effect #1

Mounted (Fiery Warhorse - Display ID: 19250)