Freezing Fog

Freezing Fog

Howling Blast and Frost Fever deal 15% increased damage.

Rime increases the damage of Howling Blast by an additional 100%.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameFreezing Fog
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Passive
Effect #1

Increase Damage/Healing

Amount: +15%

Affected Spells

 Frost Fever Howling Blast Howling Blast Icy Touch Superstrain
Effect #2

Increase Periodic Damage/Healing

Amount: +15%

Affected Spells

 Frost Fever Howling Blast Howling Blast Icy Touch Superstrain
Effect #3

Increase Effect #2 Value

Value: +100

Affected Spells

 Rime Rime