Amplify Afflictions

Amplify Afflictions

PvP Talent

Reduces the global cooldown of your Curses, Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction by 0.5 sec.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameAmplify AfflictionsRankPvP Talent
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Passive
Effect #1

Decrease Global Cooldown

Value: 0.5 sec

Affected Spells

 _JKL - live update crash test 2 Agony Agony Agony Bane of Shadows Bane of Shadows Boost 2.0 [All] - Pause Health Regen Boost 2.0 [Warlock] - Pause Regen & Burn Mana Corruption Corruption Corruption Deliberate Corruption Endless Affliction Rampant Afflictions Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Unstable Affliction Wither Wither Wither Xavian Teachings