The Archon's Answer

Speak to Kalisthene.


Your cleansing is complete, and you are whole. Our plan was a success. Undergoing such a rite, so soon after your arrival, has attracted Kalisthene's attention once more. Now is our opportunity to request an audience with the Archon. Stand before her and be proud of what you have accomplished. No matter what happens now, you have done all that any aspirant could hope to.


You will be able to choose one appropriate item for your class from the following rewards:

Runespeaker's Bracers Dreadsworn Armplates
Stormborn Cuffs Runesworn Armbands
Runespeaker's Mantle Runesworn Shoulderguards
Stormborn Monnion Dreadsworn Shoulderplates

You will also receive:

Level 1