Horde Gang Bustin'

Confront $1oa Shady Deckhands.


It's difficult to run a tight ship when you're so far from home. The crew has a tendency to get restless when they've been landlocked for too long. I've heard reports of deckhands sneakin' around and stealin' supplies. If the crew thinks they can steal from our employer on my watch, they've got another thing comin'! I need someone to crack down on these shady deals and send a message to the crew. Thievin' won't be tolerated!


You will be able to choose one appropriate item for your class from the following rewards:

Sumprush Mace Halcyon Death
Shield of Orbiss Shield of the Lurking Mist
Contorted Blade Mist-Shaman's Barbs

You will also receive:

Level 1