Barbaric Battlements

Bring two Patterned Bronze Bracers, two Bronze Greatswords, and two Sharp Claws to Orokk Omosh in Orgrimmar.


Twenty generations of Omosh have held this hammer, <name>. A hundred thousand tons of metal we have molded. Tragically, it all ends at Orokk, failure of the Omosh: Without kin and incapable of producing offspring.

I cannot let the secret recipes of Omosh die with me! Someone must continue the legacy, Omosh or not!

Prove to Orokk you are capable, <name>. Bring for Orokk the following: Two patterned bronze bracers, two bronze greatswords, and two sharp claws. Bring them for Orokk and we shall continue.


You will also receive:

  • 3 60 (if completed at level 80)
Level 32