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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Poisoned Bracers
15Wrists Leather
Moon Shriek Bracers
15Wrists Leather
Forest Leather Bracers
159Wrists Leather
Deep Moss Bracers
15Wrists Leather
Wolf Bracers
1610Wrists Leather
Wildshifter Bracers
1610Wrists Leather
Unringed Bands
16Wrists Leather
Superior Bracers
1610Wrists Leather
Silverwind Bracers
16Wrists Leather
Robust Bracers
1610Wrists Leather
Pathfinder Bracers
1610Wrists Leather
Owl Bracers
1610Wrists Leather
Nimblefinger Bindings
1610Wrists Leather
Mr. Hider's Bracers
16Wrists Leather
Loamflake Bracers
16Wrists Leather
Deepwood Bracers
1610Wrists Leather
Bear Bracers
1610Wrists Leather
Ascetic's Cuffs
1610Wrists Leather
Drakewing Bands
1610Wrists Leather
Bands of Serra'kis
1610Wrists Leather
Tough Leather Bracers
1710Wrists Leather
Cuirboulli Bracers
1710Wrists Leather
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Leather Bracers
17Wrists Leather
Krom'gar Legionnaire's Hide Wraps
17Wrists Leather
Dokebi Bracers
1710Wrists Leather
Dervish Bracers
1710Wrists Leather
Bracers of Sensations
17Wrists Leather
Yellow Ribbon Armbands
18Wrists Leather
Watchman's Bracers
18Wrists Leather
Terrortooth Hide Bracers
18Wrists Leather
Spoils of the Courtyard
18Wrists Leather
Skeezy Bracers
18Wrists Leather
Scaled Leather Bracers
1811Wrists Leather
Oil-Stained Bracers
18Wrists Leather
Madwolf Bracers
1811Wrists Leather
Jurassic Wristguards
1811Wrists Leather
Irradiated Faux Croc' Bracers
18Wrists Leather
Irradiated Faux Croc' Bracers
18Wrists Leather
Headhunter's Bands
1811Wrists Leather
Glowing Leather Bracers
1811Wrists Leather
Emblazoned Bracers
1811Wrists Leather
Cutthroat's Armguards
1811Wrists Leather
Bartered Bracers
18Wrists Leather
Armguards of the Good Captain
18Wrists Leather
Emissary Cuffs
1811Wrists Leather
Three-Tooth Bracers
19Wrists Leather
Princess Poobah's Bracelets
19Wrists Leather
Phase Three Bracers
19Wrists Leather
Insignia Bracers
1912Wrists Leather
Infiltrator Bracers
1912Wrists Leather
Ghostwalker Bindings
1912Wrists Leather
Lightblade Bracer
1912Wrists Leather
Barbaric Bracers
1912Wrists Leather
Hardened Leather Bracers
2013Wrists Leather
Hawkeye's Bracers
2013Wrists Leather
Gwenyth's Bracers
20Wrists Leather
Gwenyth's Bracers
20Wrists Leather
Elimination Bracers
20Wrists Leather
Elimination Bracers
20Wrists Leather
Bracers of the Captured Heart
20Wrists Leather
Bracer of Portals
20Wrists Leather
Bracer of Portals
20Wrists Leather
Archer's Bracers
2013Wrists Leather
Zaetar-kin Wristwraps
2013Wrists Leather
Studded Bracers
2114Wrists Leather
Trickster's Bindings
2114Wrists Leather
Sentinel Bracers
2113Wrists Leather
Murloc Scale Bracers
2114Wrists Leather
Green Whelp Bracers
2114Wrists Leather
Green Leather Bracers
2113Wrists Leather
Glyphed Bracers
2114Wrists Leather
Dusky Bracers
2114Wrists Leather
Archer's Wristguard
21Wrists Leather
Warden's Wristbands
2215Wrists Leather
Ranger Wristguards
2215Wrists Leather
Quelling Bracers
22Wrists Leather
Plaguehound Armbands
22Wrists Leather
Nocturnal Wristbands
2214Wrists Leather
Lurid Bracers
22Wrists Leather
Huntsman's Bands
2214Wrists Leather
Guardian Leather Bracers
2214Wrists Leather
Driver's Armbands
22Wrists Leather
Driver's Armbands
22Wrists Leather
Unearthed Bands
2215Wrists Leather
Enchanted Kodo Bracers
2214Wrists Leather
Branded Leather Bracers
2215Wrists Leather
Arena Bracers
2213Wrists Leather
Thick Leather Bracers
2316Wrists Leather
Wolf Rider's Wristbands
2316Wrists Leather
Wizzle's Wristbands
23Wrists Leather
Synge's Wristbands
23Wrists Leather
Rookie's Bindings
23Wrists Leather
Imposing Bracers
2316Wrists Leather
Imperial Leather Bracers
2316Wrists Leather
Goddess-Blessed Wristlets
23Wrists Leather
Bracers of Reluctant Violence
23Wrists Leather
Tracker's Wristguards
2417Wrists Leather
Scorpashi Wristbands
2417Wrists Leather
Rageclaw Bracers
2418Wrists Leather
Heraldic Bracers
2418Wrists Leather