Rage of the Sleeper

Rage of the Sleeper

Artifact Trait
Rank 1/1
Instant60 sec cooldown
Requires Druid (Guardian)
Requires Claws of Ursoc
Requires Bear Form

Unleashes the rage of Ursoc for 10 sec, preventing 25% of all damage you take, increasing your damage done by 15%, granting you 25% leech, and reflecting [ 47.25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage back at your attackers.


Rage of the Sleeper

Prevents 25% of all damage you take, increases damage done by 15%, grants 25% leech, and reflects [ 47.25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage back at your attackers.

10 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameRage of the Sleeper
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
Procs when
  • Player deals special (yellow) melee damage
  • Player casts a beneficial spell
  • Player casts a harmful spell
  • Player's hunter trap is stepped upon
ClassDruidSkill LineDruid
  • Buff cannot be canceled
Effect #1

Mod Size

Amount: +25%

Effect #2

Absorb Damage (All)

Effect #3


Value: 25

Effect #5

Increase Damage/Healing

Amount: +15%

Affected Spells

 Architect's Aligner Architect's Aligner Brambles Brambles Brambles Dreadful Wound Dreadful Wound Lunar Beam Lunar Beam Lunar Beam Mangle Mangle Moonfire Moonfire Ravage Ravage Swipe Swipe Thorns of Iron Thorns of Iron Thrash Thrash Thrash Wisdom and Fury Wisdom and Fury
Effect #6

Trigger Spell