


Leap into the air and land with explosive force, dealing [ 38.92% of Attack Power ] Chaos damage to enemies within 8 yds, and stunning them for 3 sec. Players are Dazed for 3 sec instead.

Upon landing, you are transformed into a hellish demon for 20 sec, immediately resetting the cooldown of your Eye Beam and Blade Dance abilities, greatly empowering your Chaos Strike and Blade Dance abilities and gaining 20% Haste.

Vengeance, Initial:
Leap into the air and land with explosive force, dealing [ 38.92% of Attack Power ] Chaos damage to enemies within 8 yds, and stunning them for 3 sec. Players are Dazed for 3 sec instead.

Upon landing, you are transformed into a hellish demon for 20 sec, greatly empowering your Chaos Strike and Blade Dance abilities and gaining 20% Haste.



Chaos Strike and Blade Dance upgraded to Annihilation and Death Sweep.
Haste increased by 20%.

First of the Illidari:
Chaos Strike and Blade Dance upgraded to Annihilation and Death Sweep.
Haste increased by 20%.
Versatility increased by 0%.

Soul Rending:
Chaos Strike and Blade Dance upgraded to Annihilation and Death Sweep.
Haste increased by 20%.
Leech increased by 0%.

20 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
SchoolsPhysical, Holy, Fire, Nature, Frost, Shadow, ArcaneLevel0
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
Procs when
  • Player deals auto attack (white) melee damage
  • Player deals special (yellow) melee damage
  • Player deals special (yellow) ranged damage (with a bow, etc)
  • Player casts a harmful spell
  • Buff cannot be canceled
  • Buff keeps ticking while logged off
Effect #1

Change Model (Metamorphosis)

Effect #2

Increase Run Speed

Effect #3


Effect #4

Decrease Attack Speed

Amount: +20%

Effect #5

Mod Versatility

Effect #6


Value: 201,427

Affected Spells

 Chaos Strike Chaos Strike Chaos Strike Chaos Strike Chaos Strike Chaos Strike
Effect #7


Value: 210,152

Affected Spells

 Blade Dance Blade Dance Blade Dance Blade Dance Blade Dance Blade Dance Death Sweep
Effect #8


Effect #9

AnimReplacementSet (567)

Effect #10

Mod Increase Maximum Health

Amount: +5%

Effect #11

Mod Base Resistance (Physical)

Amount: +20%