Item - Hunter T14 4P Bonus

Item - Hunter T14 4P Bonus

Increases the duration of your Bestial Wrath ability by 6 sec, increases the chance for Black Arrow to trigger Lock and Load by 20%, and increases the damage of Aimed Shot by 10%.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameItem - Hunter T14 4P Bonus
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Passive
Effect #1

Increase Buff Duration

Value: 6 sec

Affected Spells

 Bestial Wrath Bestial Wrath Bestial Wrath Bestial Wrath
Effect #2

Increase Effect #1 Value

Value: +20

Affected Spells

 Lock and Load Lock and Load
Effect #3

Increase Damage/Healing

Amount: +10%

Affected Spells

 Aimed Shot Careful Aim Careful Aim Legacy of the Windrunners Legacy of the Windrunners Precise Shots Wailing Arrow Wind Arrow