Twin Stein Set of Brewfather Quan Tou Kuo

Twin Stein Set of Brewfather Quan Tou Kuo

2 sec cast3

A matching set of drinking steins, made of ebony and jade. Brewfather Quan Tou Kuo, "The Two-Fisted", sought to mitigate the side effects of strong drink by creating the perfect duality of brews. When imbibed together in the proper ratios, the Pale Ale of Spirit and the Dark Stout of the Mind combine in the drinker's stomach to achieve a state of enlightenment and goodwill without the loss of judgment and self-control so often experienced by less refined brews. Sadly, the Brewfather's secrets have been lost to time, but these lovingly crafted steins serve as a permanent reminder of his expertise.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameTwin Stein Set of Brewfather Quan Tou Kuo
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
Skill LineArchaeologySkill Difficulty600
  • Can be cast while mounted
  • Generates no threat
Effect #1

Create Tradeskill Item

Value: 1

Effect #2

Kill Credit (Artifact of Pandaria)