The Totem of Kar'dash

Escort the Kurenai Captive out of Sunspring Post. Speak to Arechron at Telaar if you succeed.


  • Free the Kurenai Captive


I would have been killed had you not come along, stranger. They have already murdered so many Kurenai in their search for a lost relic.

What they seek is the totem of Kar'dash. Why they think that we would know anything about this totem, I cannot understand. Is a totem not an orcish implement by nature?

This information must be taken back to Arechron. Perhaps he knows why Murkblood are kidnapping Kurenai and torturing them for information regarding an orcish device.

Let's go before more come.


You will also receive:

  • 10 20 (if completed at level 80)
  • 350 reputation with Kurenai
Level 64