Darkheart Thicket: The Glamour Has Faded

Kill Arch-Druid Glaidalis in the Darkheart Thicket and recover Nalamya's Book of Enchantments.


I once taught the night elves how to enchant their armor to strengthen themselves against the evils of this land. One elf in particular garnered my favor.

Arch-Druid Glaidalis is his name. He now resides in the forest known as the Darkheart Thicket, plotting to undo this world with this awful blight.

Before his betrayal, I gave him my book of enchantments to study. I would very much like it back.

I trust you with this task, enchanter. Bring my book back to me.


You will learn:

Boon of the Scavenger

You will also receive:

  • 21 50 (if completed at level 80)
Level 104